Tallest Sunflower Competition
Back at the start of March, we distributed sunflower growing packs to colleagues across our four main offices, Stockport, Oldham, Rochdale and Trafford.
It’s as if we knew that just a couple of weeks later, we’d be going into lockdown, and could do with any extra cheer and sunshine we could get!
We each named our seeds, took them home and monitored them closely over the coming weeks…
We kept each other updated using Workplace, sharing pictures, tips and comparing progress along the way.
A few snapped along the way, or fell victim to slugs or typical British weather, but as we entered July, a few sunny faces started coming out.
Despite the impressive entries, there could only be one winner…
Our winning entry was 245cm tall!
This was a really nice, super low budget (£7 total!) way for our teams to connect and engage with a fun activity with a focus on health and wellbeing. It’s been all the more welcome as we’ve adapted to working from home and to all the other changes and uncertainties coronavirus has brought to our lives.
As for me, my sunflower did bloom, but I had a small way to go to beat the winner (and by that, I mean about a metre!)
Oh well, there’s always next year’s competition…